2009.3.6 0:11
2009 IJSBA World Finals
2009 IJSBA World Finals, October 10-18 Crazy Horse Campgrounds, Lake Havasu City, AZ
December 9, 2008
The IJSBA is pleased to announce the dates for the 2009 IJSBA World Finals. The World Finals will be held from October 10 through October 18, 2009 at Crazy Horse Campgrounds in Lake Havasu City. This year will mark the 28th installment of the largest PWC in the world.
While there are some details that must be worked out with the city, the IJSBA and Crazy Horse Campground are committed to preserve this event in Lake Havasu. Crazy Horse maintains an excellent location that has an established infrastructure which allows the IJSBA to put on the most efficient and cost effective event in the Lake Havasu City area.
Lake Havasu City restaurants, hotels, and other businesses have done so much to welcome us and so many of you have established great working relationships with these entities. Everything will be done to maintain this arrangement.
We realize that advance planning is necessary and we wanted to let you know, as early as possible, that you can safely make flight and travel plans to the Havasu/Mohave County area and know that they are secure. We can guarantee that the event will be held in this area on these dates.
Please stay tuned to the IJSBA for more information about the 2009 World Finals as we will be releasing information rapidly over the next couple of weeks.

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